V Festival Highlights (Saturday)
i ended up watching V from the comfort of my sofa :( i got so pissed that i decided to take notes while watching the highlights so i could remember what happened! sad i know. but ive decided to type here exactly what i wrote when drunk, so , here goes! hope it amuses...

- oasis - couldnt hear them over the crowds! songs: (what's the story) morning glory, cigarettes and alcohol (appropiate!), the importance of being idle, dont look back in anger.
- magic numbers - forever lost. great song! great performance
- the bravery - honest mistake. very disappointing. could barely hear them!
- GLC - your mrs is a nutter. these lot are nutters more like! and just how many of them are there anyway?!
- kt tunstall - other side of the world. "this is dedicated to everyone who's had a long distance relationship. what were you thinking?". great performance as usual. fantastic voice!
- adam levine (maroon 5) - " just wear a hood, drink lots of beer and tell everyone to fuck off!" (festival survival tips).
- kaiser chiefs - songs: everyday i love you less and less, i predict a riot. not the best live performance voice-wise, but amazing stage preference (i think i meant presence!) and energy. lead singer went crowd surfing. nearly got ripped apart.
- the zutons - you will you wont. fantastic live! love the fact they have a saxophone.
- the streets - fit but you know it. not difficult to sing live! just speaking over music! pretty cool!
madness. utter madness....(shakes head in shame)
At 4:07 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Hello Cheeky, I'm back! ;)
You probably caught more of V sat at home than I did actually being there! How's you today? :)
At 4:26 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Spanx back atcha! ;) I'm not too bad, still sunburned from V and a bit sleepy myself :)
At 5:17 PM,
JonSheridan said…
I'm very a-peeling :)
(I know, that was dreadful, lol)
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