One of my favourites at work is when people leave a voicemail (or answer machine message for your dim customer) and say:
"Hi ... can you send me a brochure please. Thanks"
And thats it ... no name, no number, no address.
Best bit is we sometimes get a call a week later to say they haven't received it. Never underestimate the stupidity of people ... it really is a bottomless chasm.
It makes you wonder it really does. I particularly like the ones when they are talking to you (in their best posh phone voice)but then intersperse your conversation with shouting at their children.
"Hallo, yes I received your brochure and was interested in ... FACKIN SHUT UP BEYONCE-MARIE OR I'LL FACKIN SLAP YA ONE ... where was I oh yes, your brochure ..."
"I might be stupid but I'm not thick" ... priceless;)
You should have an office competition to see who has the stupidest customer/comment of the day! We have name of the day (anything stupid or rude), address of the day (stupid, rude or incredibly twee) and idiot of the day (speaks for itself really).
Every now and then we do impressions of the idiots of the day and have a good old cackle. All good fun as long as my boss doesn't find out ...
that is one big "blur case"! i find it so hard to believe that people like that were not born 2000 years ago. being born in the last millenium doesn't mean that you have to be such an idiot!
Mrs C, I sympathise 100%, nip accross to my blog to see some of the customer comments thrown my way when I was manager at a Computer game store.....It'll make you wonder, seriously! :/
Should write a log of them all in a book, we did that called "The Pikeys guide to stupidity"....Oh how we laughed!
about me .... what can i say? im just a normal (ish!) person with a million insecurities which i wont go into cos y'all will get bored! my big passion is music im always at some gig or other. that's probably why im always broke! aren't we all : )
At 3:53 PM,
Devil Mood said…
At 4:42 PM,
She de la Handbag said…
One of my favourites at work is when people leave a voicemail (or answer machine message for your dim customer) and say:
"Hi ... can you send me a brochure please. Thanks"
And thats it ... no name, no number, no address.
Best bit is we sometimes get a call a week later to say they haven't received it. Never underestimate the stupidity of people ... it really is a bottomless chasm.
*shakes head with dismay*
At 5:02 PM,
She de la Handbag said…
It makes you wonder it really does. I particularly like the ones when they are talking to you (in their best posh phone voice)but then intersperse your conversation with shouting at their children.
"Hallo, yes I received your brochure and was interested in ... FACKIN SHUT UP BEYONCE-MARIE OR I'LL FACKIN SLAP YA ONE ... where was I oh yes, your brochure ..."
At 5:05 PM,
She de la Handbag said…
"I might be stupid but I'm not thick" ... priceless;)
You should have an office competition to see who has the stupidest customer/comment of the day! We have name of the day (anything stupid or rude), address of the day (stupid, rude or incredibly twee) and idiot of the day (speaks for itself really).
Every now and then we do impressions of the idiots of the day and have a good old cackle. All good fun as long as my boss doesn't find out ...
At 7:48 PM,
Valerene said…
that is one big "blur case"! i find it so hard to believe that people like that were not born 2000 years ago. being born in the last millenium doesn't mean that you have to be such an idiot!
At 12:21 PM,
Retro Rich said…
Mrs C, I sympathise 100%, nip accross to my blog to see some of the customer comments thrown my way when I was manager at a Computer game store.....It'll make you wonder, seriously! :/
Should write a log of them all in a book, we did that called "The Pikeys guide to stupidity"....Oh how we laughed!
At 2:13 AM,
Pecos Blue said…
Hey I work in a cave and someone asked me. " So, is all of the cave underground."
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
No.. voice mail is messages that we send through the post office and when you open the envelope you hear the message. Like cards that play music.
But listen carefully... it only plays once.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
And could I get a brochure about your services? Thanks.
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