A Spoonful Of Nonsense

What's going on....in my world, and in yours

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pay Your Bills!

A householder has received a letter threatening to put him in hospital if he did not pay his phone bill.
Factory worker Kevin Harding, 39, owed the Post Office £292 after racking up the bill phoning his girlfriend who lives in the United States.

Mr Harding, from Carlisle in Cumbria, reduced his bill from £360 to £292 and agreed to pay it off in instalments.
But he then received the letter threatening him with violence and demanding £600, according to the Daily Mirror.
The letter reads: "Dear Mr Harding, With regards to your bill, your balance presently stands at £292.65p as from 23rd August your bill will be £600.
"Failure to pay will result in you being hospitalised. If you thought the events of July 7th and July 21st were bad that is nothing compared to what will happen to you."
It continues: "If you fail to pay your outstanding bill, we have told you verbally what we will do to you. This is just to remind you we will carry out our promise."
Royal Mail Group, which owns the Post Office, said it had launched an investigation, along with the police.
They had discovered the letter was not written on official Post Office Ltd headed paper.
A spokesman for Royal Mail said: "It is not an official letter from the Post Office, we would never send out any letter threatening customers."


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