A Spoonful Of Nonsense

What's going on....in my world, and in yours

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Top 10 Drinks From Childhood

1) ribena
2) vimto
3) caprisun
4) um bongo
5) robinsons orange
6) dr pepper
7) yazoo strawberry
8) nesquik strawberry
9) apple juice
10) milk!


  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger Devil Mood said…

    God, this is really frustrating because there are none of those drinks here! Except for "um bongo" :) and apple juice and milk, of course.
    I used to drink um bong too, when I was "petite".

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger DanProject76 said…

    Did they briefly make a different kind of Coke that had no colour to it? It looked like fizzy water? Or am I mental?

  • At 2:47 AM, Blogger Cece Martinez said…

    No Tang on that list?

  • At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for dropping by Mrs Coogan. Ha! I see Superman's foot is here as well.

    The world is a village.

  • At 1:05 PM, Blogger clew said…

    No no, TAB was brown too, like Coke. I do remember that clear still though. Coke and Pepsi both had one. Anyone remember 7up Gold? They used to advertise 7up as "Crisp and clean with no caffeine - never had it, never will." Then they turned around and put out 7up Gold which had caffeine. I guess they got it on a technicality by tacking "Gold" on to the name ;) ...

    Anyway - these lists are fun, mrsc!

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger clew said…

    (read still as stuff - oops)

  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger zuzula said…

    We always used to have Kia-Ora (sp??) at home. My mum loved the ad that went 'I'll be your dawg' (remember that? or am I showing my age!) and that was it... she was sold on it!

  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger Spinning Girl said…

    do you have "YooHoo" in the UK? It's like...a chocolaty soft drink.

  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger Retro Rich said…

    you mean this song?

    Way down deep in the middle of the Congo, a hippo took an apricot, a
    guava and a mango. He stuck it with the others, and he danced a dainty

    The rhino said, "I know, we'll call it Um Bongo", Um Bongo, Um Bongo, They drink it in the Congo.

    The python picked the passion fruit, the marmoset the mandarin. The parrot painted packets, that the whole caboodle landed in.

    So when it comes to sun and fun and goodness in the jungle, They all prefer the sunny funny one they call Um Bongo!

    Oh my, I remembered the lyrics!


  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Retro Rich said…

    Panda Pops, they were and still are cheap and nasty!


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