Police stop toddler for driving toy car
A two-year-old boy has been pulled over by police while driving his toy car.
Oliver Smith was driving his toy car at 2mph on the pavement when he was pulled over by a policeman reports the Mirror.
Oliver's grandad Derek was warned by the policeman that the boy could be charged for having no tax or MoT certificate.
Oliver's father Richard from Leyland Lancs said: "My dad thought it a was joke at first - he was expecting Jeremy Beadle to turn up. The officer said the buggy could damage a parked car. He gave a warning and drove off.
"I think it's utterly ridiculous. It's the funniest thing I have heard in my life because you can actually walk faster than these things. This one has a top speed of 2.5mph.
"All the shops selling them should have signs to say you need driving documents to use them in a public place. Because of their size, you can't just use them in a garden."
Lancashire Police said: "We cannot comment on the individual case but a child's toy car that can only travel 2-3mph does not come under motor vehicle legislation. Having said that, we would always advise children not to play near to the highway.
"The ideal place for toys is in a driveway, supervised by a responsible adult."
Oliver Smith was driving his toy car at 2mph on the pavement when he was pulled over by a policeman reports the Mirror.
Oliver's grandad Derek was warned by the policeman that the boy could be charged for having no tax or MoT certificate.
Oliver's father Richard from Leyland Lancs said: "My dad thought it a was joke at first - he was expecting Jeremy Beadle to turn up. The officer said the buggy could damage a parked car. He gave a warning and drove off.
"I think it's utterly ridiculous. It's the funniest thing I have heard in my life because you can actually walk faster than these things. This one has a top speed of 2.5mph.
"All the shops selling them should have signs to say you need driving documents to use them in a public place. Because of their size, you can't just use them in a garden."
Lancashire Police said: "We cannot comment on the individual case but a child's toy car that can only travel 2-3mph does not come under motor vehicle legislation. Having said that, we would always advise children not to play near to the highway.
"The ideal place for toys is in a driveway, supervised by a responsible adult."
At 6:31 AM,
Adam said…
um, wow. i laughed and then thought "isn't someone getting murdered somewhere?" the officer must've been bored...
At 7:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with the officer. Damn kids with their damn toys.
I would have slapped a fine on him that would have made him pee his pants.
Got out of bed on the wrong side I guess.
At 9:23 PM,
November Rain said…
omg.... in the US you see kids every xmas mourn in these cars
btw AAA has a new look
At 8:28 AM,
Valerene said…
i swear your blog is a good place for me to get little nuggets of gossip and funny news that lightens up my day :)
missed you dearie. all is well i hope?
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