Personal Post
as i havnt done one of these for a while, and y'all keep asking about me, thought i better update y'all on whats going on at the mo. if you're not interested, then by all means - read no further! :)
im still living on the wirral with jon, things still going great there. i still only work at the local off license, having no luck with customer services jobs as yet, but fingers crossed!
went back to the midlands for a visit at the weekend. introduced jon to my family. fairly sure they liked him - they asked us to stop for tea and agreed to have us back again next weekend.
am now back at home, trying to fill time while jon is at work (mwa ha ha!). apologies from both of us for lack of posting, but t'internet is refusing to work on more occasions than usual.
well, thats it (huge sigh of relief from everyone who could be bothered to read this far).
hope you are all well :)
im still living on the wirral with jon, things still going great there. i still only work at the local off license, having no luck with customer services jobs as yet, but fingers crossed!
went back to the midlands for a visit at the weekend. introduced jon to my family. fairly sure they liked him - they asked us to stop for tea and agreed to have us back again next weekend.
am now back at home, trying to fill time while jon is at work (mwa ha ha!). apologies from both of us for lack of posting, but t'internet is refusing to work on more occasions than usual.
well, thats it (huge sigh of relief from everyone who could be bothered to read this far).
hope you are all well :)
At 6:28 PM,
November Rain said…
well you both are missed
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Invite for tea. That's not something I hear around here. Although I do love a good cup of tea myself.
At 12:45 PM,
clew said…
Good to hear you are well! Merry Christmas from across the big pond. XOXO
At 2:21 PM,
A Spoon said…
novy - thanks :)
daybyday - sorry think i should have specified i meant the meal, not the drink. oops!
clew - thanks! merry christmas to you too :)
At 9:41 PM,
Devil Mood said…
Oh I miss the nonsense and all the cutlery..but I'm glad you're well :)
At 11:42 AM,
A Spoon said…
steve - yes and yes. just let us know when and where
devil mood - thanks hope you are well too. more nonsense coming up soon :)
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