Jon's Questions
five questions from jon.... rules to follow afterwards...
1) whats the stupidest chat up line you've ever used?
never used one. honest! im too shy to chat guys up. the worst one ive had used on me was : " in my chart, you'd be my number one" (because i always used to listen to the top 40 on a sunday and we were talking about this at the time). i just laughed at him cos i didnt know what to say!
2) if you could star in a tv show, which one and why?
two pints of lager and a packet of crisps. cos its a great show, i wanna smack louise cos shes so annoying, i want to do dirty things with her cute aussie boyfriend david, and i spend a lot of my time in the pun anyway!
3) as a girl, what was the most embarassing song you liked and practised the dance routine to?
"spice up your life" by the spice girls! yikes! we had to do the dance routine for a talent contest during a school holiday in france. aaah memories.....
4) whats the daftest thing you've done to try and fit in with other people?
getting drunk during my lunch hour at work. while i was in training. nearly lost my job...
5) pot noodle or super noodles?
hmmm... pot noodle. but only the beef and tomato ones! the rest are vile
Leave me a comment saying interview me please.
I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same five i answered)
You will update your blog/site with the interview questions
You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1) whats the stupidest chat up line you've ever used?
never used one. honest! im too shy to chat guys up. the worst one ive had used on me was : " in my chart, you'd be my number one" (because i always used to listen to the top 40 on a sunday and we were talking about this at the time). i just laughed at him cos i didnt know what to say!
2) if you could star in a tv show, which one and why?
two pints of lager and a packet of crisps. cos its a great show, i wanna smack louise cos shes so annoying, i want to do dirty things with her cute aussie boyfriend david, and i spend a lot of my time in the pun anyway!
3) as a girl, what was the most embarassing song you liked and practised the dance routine to?
"spice up your life" by the spice girls! yikes! we had to do the dance routine for a talent contest during a school holiday in france. aaah memories.....
4) whats the daftest thing you've done to try and fit in with other people?
getting drunk during my lunch hour at work. while i was in training. nearly lost my job...
5) pot noodle or super noodles?
hmmm... pot noodle. but only the beef and tomato ones! the rest are vile
Leave me a comment saying interview me please.
I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same five i answered)
You will update your blog/site with the interview questions
You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
At 1:01 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Too shy? Are you sure? ;)
I have to admit to a liking for Two Pints as well. It's a guilty pleasure...
Wonder who'll be next for five questions....
At 3:04 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Let you in on a secret? I'm shy too, lol. Seriously.
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