A Spoonful Of Nonsense

What's going on....in my world, and in yours

Monday, June 27, 2005


interesting (drunken!) debate i was having with a mate of mine last night - if all drugs were legalised, what would happen to the crime rate in the uk? there seems to be points for both sides. the amount of burgalries would decrease as most people who commit burglary do so to fund drug habits. also (a slightly childish point - one i made of course!) , when people are told they cant do something, they are more likely to want to do it, therefore if drugs were legalised people wouldnt be so bothered about them. but then again, you have the fact that some people might want to try drugs but are too scared too due to the legal implications. also, if everyone was on drugs, it may perhaps increase violence levels. however (excellent point unfortunately not made by me this time!) euro 2000 was held in belgium and holland. the primary substance misuse of choice in belgium is alcohol, so lots of footie fans got tanked up and fights broke up. in holland, as most drugs are legal. everyone was just really happy


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