A Spoonful Of Nonsense

What's going on....in my world, and in yours

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Top 10 Movies

1) moulin rouge
2) donnie darko
3) sleepy hollow
4) seven
5) four weddings and a funeral
6) batman begins
7) bridget jones's diary
8) eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
9) the grudge
10) ten things i hate about you


  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Christopher D. Bate said…

    8 is on my list and thats it.

  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger November Rain said…

    Hated Moulin Rouge

    never seen #2
    like sleepy hollow, seven 4 weddings
    batman begins imo was the best batman
    love bridget jones
    never seen #8
    the grudge gave me the willies but was a good one (so is the ring)

    my top 10 (1 being the best)
    Laberinth (spelling?)
    10 things
    the smell of a woman
    big fish
    batman begins
    transporter (drool)
    5th element
    enemy of mine
    any charlie chaplin movies

  • At 1:59 PM, Blogger JonSheridan said…

    Chris: What? No Donnie Darko?

    Nat: That reminds me...are you bringing The Secretary when you visit? :)

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger mazmad said…

    I've yet to see Donnie Darko. I'll have to borrow it from Ship.
    Love Seven, 4 weddings, & Bridget Jones.
    Wasn't sure about Moulin Rouge.
    Some of my fav's are Lock Stock, The Committments, The Green Mile, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, The Blues Brothers & The Sixth Sense to name but a few.

  • At 3:04 PM, Blogger JonSheridan said…

    Just you? Oh alright then, I suppose that'll do ;)

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger JonSheridan said…

    lol, are you lerning Northern again? :)

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger November Rain said…

    didnt like pulp fiction
    but I also didnt like sin city

    and everoyne loved them

  • At 11:13 PM, Blogger Devil Mood said…

    It's a very romantic list :)
    I loved no. 8 and 5 heheh

  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    one of my all time favourite films is the trueman show. Completely original and Jim Carrey makes a great straight man.

    But I am a comdey buff at heart.

    My Fave comedy movie ever is the Life of Brian. Have you got a fave laugh-a-minute movie?


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