Choc Horror!

German saboteurs came up with several cunning plans to cause mayhem during the Second World War - including bars of exploding chocolate.
The Nazis also designed bombs to be disguised as tins of English plums, throat pastilles and shaving brushes.
According to files made public for the first time, they even planned to stuff dead rats with explosives.
The "slab of chocolate" hand grenade is illustrated in the documents released to the National Archives in Kew, west London, together with an explanation of how it would blow up seconds after the unwitting Brit snapped off a piece.
"The bomb is made of steel with a thin covering of real chocolate," the note says.
"When the piece of chocolate at the end is broken off the canvas shown is pulled, and after a delay of seven seconds the bomb explodes."
A three man team were captured after they landed on the south west coast of Ireland in July 1940 and interned by the Irish authorities in Dublin's Mountjoy jail.
They were carrying three or four metal boxes of explosives, including a number of tins labelled "Prepared French Peas" containing small slabs of nitro-cellulose.
An informer who was held with them in prison told the authorities that they had been heading for England with a "definite plan" - he thought to "blow up Buckingham Palace".
MI5, who were in close contact with the Irish authorities, were sceptical.
"This seems a little fantastic, when it is known that the explosive materials in their possession were of the most primitive kind," one report noted.
At 3:13 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Exploding chocolate? Bombs made out of dead rats? Truth really is stranger than fiction :)
At 3:27 PM,
mazmad said…
I suppose that could help the diet!!! I will forever be suspcious of bars of chocolate from now on (well for just a while anyway)
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