ive been tagged by november rain to do this, so here goes!
7 things i plan to do before i die
1) watch a live footbal match (premiership)
2) finish my spanish 'a' level
3) visit ireland
4) see the foo fighters play live
5) see green day play live
6) see my chemical romance play live
7) learn to speak russian
7 things i can do
1) speak french
2) speak german
3) speak spanish
4) touch my nose with my tongue
5) make home-made lasagne
6) get drunk easily :)
7) identify the title of many songs within 2 seconds of listening to the intro
7 things i cant do
1) swim
2) say no to a drink
3) save money!
4) speak russian
5) play guitar
6) drink whisky
7) stop slagging people off!
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1) a cute arse
2) expressive eyes
3) dark hair
4) someone who is in touch with their feminine side
5) similar personality
6) cheekiness
7) someone who makes me laugh
7 things i say most often
1) ok
2) god
3) indeed
4) right
5) cheeky sod!
6) sorry
7) shut up!
7 celebrity crushes
1) jake gylenhaal
2) johnny depp
3) orlando bloom
4) hugh jackman
5) hugh grant
6) sean william scott
7) david tennant
7 people i want to do this
anyone who wants to have a go!
7 things i plan to do before i die
1) watch a live footbal match (premiership)
2) finish my spanish 'a' level
3) visit ireland
4) see the foo fighters play live
5) see green day play live
6) see my chemical romance play live
7) learn to speak russian
7 things i can do
1) speak french
2) speak german
3) speak spanish
4) touch my nose with my tongue
5) make home-made lasagne
6) get drunk easily :)
7) identify the title of many songs within 2 seconds of listening to the intro
7 things i cant do
1) swim
2) say no to a drink
3) save money!
4) speak russian
5) play guitar
6) drink whisky
7) stop slagging people off!
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1) a cute arse
2) expressive eyes
3) dark hair
4) someone who is in touch with their feminine side
5) similar personality
6) cheekiness
7) someone who makes me laugh
7 things i say most often
1) ok
2) god
3) indeed
4) right
5) cheeky sod!
6) sorry
7) shut up!
7 celebrity crushes
1) jake gylenhaal
2) johnny depp
3) orlando bloom
4) hugh jackman
5) hugh grant
6) sean william scott
7) david tennant
7 people i want to do this
anyone who wants to have a go!
At 12:27 PM,
JonSheridan said… football, Ireland and playing guitar could all be arranged....
Oh yeah, fancy a drink? ;)
At 12:50 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Vodka smoothie? :)
At 1:02 PM,
JonSheridan said…
I do :)
At 9:50 PM,
November Rain said…
football (European or American?)
So Sie sprechen Deutsch... Mien Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Ich muss besser Deutsch sprechen wiel im Deutschland leben.
Ich habe shon für 6 Jahren im München gelebt.
Für zwie Jahren habe ich ein Ohren problem gehabt. Dann bin ich die Fremesprachen Schule gegangan aber Bayern die Geld halten und the Kurse war zu teuer für mich allien bezahlen. Jetzt bin ich ein Lerhren(in) suchen.
Okay enough... btw I tagged ya again LOL (you do them so well)
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