A Spoonful Of Nonsense

What's going on....in my world, and in yours

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hangover Cures

1) eating burnt toast - if it doesnt work, the horrible taste will take your mind off it for a while!
2) eating cabbage - clears out the toxins in your body
3) drink water - likewise
4) take a multi vitamin - alcohol removes a lot of vitamins from your body
5) eat! - this increases the speed at which your body processes alcohol
6) fresh air and excercise - possibly the last thing you wanna do!
7) icepack - stick it on your head and lie down. helps ease head pains!
8) eat bananas - they contain a natural antiacid which will help with the nausea
9) eat tomatoes - apparently you will feel better in 15 mins!
10) go back to bed!


  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger JonSheridan said…

    Thanks trouble :) I've drunk lots of sugary cola and had a sausage sandwich instead. That seemed to do the trick! lol


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