In My Pants!
here is a fun/silly thing to do! please add a comment stating what song you are currently listening or the last song you listened to followed by the words: "in my pants". for example, mine would be "Be Yourself in my pants"!
What's going my world, and in yours
At 5:07 PM,
JonSheridan said…
I'm not kidding...mine is "Groovy Feeling (Make Mine A 99) In My Pants"
At 5:26 PM,
JonSheridan said…
OK, this might seem unlikely but I promise this is true. I have Winamp on shuffle and the next track after that would give you "Pump Friction In My Pants".
Someone up there is having too much fun at my expense, lol
At 5:31 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Now it's getting disturbing...."The Man WIth The Red Face In My Pants" :(
At 5:49 PM,
JonSheridan said…
"Only In My Pants"...
At 5:56 PM,
JonSheridan said…
"Creepshow In My Pants". Surely Winamp will choose one it doesn't work with soon...
At 5:57 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Maybe not..."Meantime In My Pants" now
At 5:59 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Classic! "A Forest In My Pants", lol
At 6:06 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Think it's finally running out of steam...."Spitting Games In My Pants". Tragic :(
At 6:10 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Hmmm...."King Of Snake In My Pants"
At 6:18 PM,
JonSheridan said…
lol, like it :)
At 6:24 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Maybe there's some mileage in this game yet...."Something Going On In My Pants"
At 12:40 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Mornin' (talk about a lie in!).
First song I heard today? "When I Come Around In My Pants"
At 1:23 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Meh, if you wanna be all pedantic about it...
At 2:12 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Soz Nat, had just woke up. I'm grouchy in the morning (ok, afternoon, lol) :)
I'm currently on "I'm Only Happy When It Rains In My Pants". Not sure if that works or not.
At 2:36 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Live yoghurt usually does the trick, lol
At 2:47 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Not me personally, but one of my exes used to have a problem with the "little bird".
At 2:56 PM,
JonSheridan said…
She was thrillingly indiscreet sometimes, lol
At 3:21 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Thrilling in that "stomach sinking, WTF is she gonna say next" kinda way. She told the Town Crier of Chester that I "made her wet". We lasted two weeks. Unsurprisingly.
At 3:33 PM,
JonSheridan said…
I know, strange isn't it :)
At 9:13 PM,
Valerene said…
the blower's daughter in my pants!!!
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