The World's Oldest Dildo (!)

The stone schlong was discovered in Hohle Fels Cave near Ulm, Swabia, by a Tübingen University team. Professor Nicholas Conard, from the university's snappily-named department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, explained the excitment to the BBC thus: "Female representations with highly accentuated sexual attributes are very well documented at many sites, but male representations are very, very rare."
Indeed, although other examples of male genitalia - from France and Morocco - predate the Ulm member, to have "any representation of male genitalia from this time period is highly unusual".
There may be a good reason for this - the German sausage bears the scars of having been used to knap flints, and was reassembled from 14 fragments. Despite this abuse, and in a delicious leap of imagination, Conard speculates that the life-size member may have been used as a prehistoric sex toy. As he suggestively notes: "It's highly polished."
Those interested in the sex lives of our distant ancestors will be able to cop an eyeful of the Hohle Fels phallus when it goes on show at a Blaubeuren prehistoric museum exhibition entitled "Ice Art - Clearly Male". ®
At 2:05 PM,
JonSheridan said…
lol, "Clearly Male". No shit Sherlock! Although the part about it being used to sharpen flints brought a tear to my eye (ouch!)
Are you having a "Find as much weird shit as you can on that t'internet" day or something? ;)
At 2:24 PM,
JonSheridan said…
"Talent borrows, genius steals", lol.
At 2:36 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Good old Oscar, always great for a quote :)
At 5:05 PM,
Valerene said…
whoa, a dildo made from stone? must be real cold...
At 5:30 PM,
JonSheridan said…
lol, Valarene! What are you like :)
Guess it would be though...
At 5:55 PM,
JonSheridan said…
See, this is what I meant about "Naughty Nat", lol ;)
At 6:37 PM,
JonSheridan said…
(tumbleweed floats idly by), lol, just kidding!
At 6:47 PM,
JonSheridan said…
Fair comment, it's the kind of thing I'd come out mouth gets me in trouble sometimes, lol
At 6:50 PM,
Cece Martinez said…
Mmmm. I'll take one of those.
Where do I send my money order to?
At 7:11 PM,
JonSheridan said…
I think I can guess what it would've been, lol
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